Sun TV Live Tamil: Watch American Telugu Association 2014 Live Online with HQ at

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Watch American Telugu Association 2014 Live Online with HQ at

ATA Board of Trustees discussed on various matters, which includes on upcoming 2014 13th ATA 2012 conference at Philadelphia, PA, ATA charitable programs/Vedukalu in Andhra Pradesh and many other important issues. President Karunakar R. Madhavaram explained on various activities that were undertaken in the first quarter highlighting how ATA is focused on service to Telugu community. President Madhavaram also reported to the Board on first ever ATA Women’s Day celebration ‘Americalo Aadapaduchulu’ in various cities across the US and told the board how overwhelming the response was, and continued on to say “ATA will plan to celebrate the Women’s Day every year and make the event as ATA signature event”. 

Dr. S.P.Balasubramanyam (SPB to many of his ardent fans) is a phenomenon that needs no introduction. His extraordinary singing capabilities, his ready wit and humor, his passion for perfection and his down to earth simplicity laced with respect for all endears him to everyone and magnifies his stature a million times. Suma, the charming anchor from South India , was the guest for the show which saw 19 contestants in the age group of 9-12 compete  with grace and determination for the coveted 13 spots that will take them to the second round of this epic competition.

Speaking on the occasion Parmesh Bheemreddy, Convener ATA-2014 said local Telugu community was very excited to host the event and looking forward for the 2014 Conference. He introduced team of volunteers who are going to play major role in 2014 Conference. Conference Coordinator Bhuvanesh Boojala introduced team from Washington DC metro. The Dinner was attended by over 300 prominent ATA donors, volunteers, supporters from across the North East region. Thanking for making TAGDV as the co-host for the 13th ATA Conference, Ravi Potluri TAGDV President said that TAGDV is honored to be co-host for a prestigious organization like ATA and he said TAGDV will provide all the help needed to make the convention big success.

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